Jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan
Jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan

The data of mathematics communication ability and mathematics logic thinking were analyzed by using descriptive and inferensial analysis and analyzed qualitatitvely. The instruments used in collecting the data were mathematics communication ability test, mathematics logic thinking ability test, learning implementation observation sheet, and interview guidance. The data of research consisted of mathematics communication data and mathematics logic thinking ability data.

jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan

The subjects of the research were three students consisted of one student with high mathematics ability, one student with medium mathematics ability, and one student with low mathematics abilitiy. The sample consisted of one class, namely class XI Majoring in Helath Analys as the experiment class taught by using generative learning model chosen by using random sampling technique. The population of the research were all of the students in class XI at SMK Kesehatan Mega Rezky in Makassar. The design of mixed method used is Concurrent Triangulation Design aims to describe be communication ability and mathematics logic thinking of students in generative learning and to discover the improvement of communication ability and mathematics logic thinking of students in generative learning of class XI students Majoring in Health Analys at SMK Kesehatan Mega Rezky in Makassar.

jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan

The research is a combination of quantitative-qualitative (mixed method).

Jurnal perencanaan komunikasi kesehatan